Recent Training

Inclusion Training, 10th June 2019

29 participants attended the inclusion training event at Riverbeach school which was deemed a great success.   See the feedback scores and comments below – keep a lookout for further training sessions!

Course Evaluation Form – Twilight Inclusion – River Beach   10th June 2019 3.30pm – 4.45pm


Please rate the Twilight session by inserting a x in relevant box:


Poor Average Good V Good Excellent
Content of Sessions       4 25
Quality of Delivery       3 26
Your needs were met     1 7 21
Training impact upon my practice     2 6 19


What did you find most useful from the session?

·       How to adapt games for ability and specific sports

·       How to deliver correctly

·       Breaking down some of the traditional games into easier steps

·       Different ideas

·       Showed how simple activities can be easily adapted

·       Easy to follow differentiated instruction

·       Practical participation – useful as increased realisation of what it is like for children

·       Fun and easy

·       Ideas for lessons / sessions for all abilities

·       Clear instructions – ideally modelled – practical exploration

·       Great variety of activities – use of STEP to differentiate in PE

·       The understanding of just how simple it is to differentiate

·       Energetic delivery – I will definitely put ideas into practice

·       STEP – great for all lessons

·       Course has really helped build my confidence

·       Variety of ideas and how to adapt & extend skills

·       I have been teaching for a long time and I found the course has refreshed knowledge

·       If you rated any of the above Average or below. Please explain

·       Great as always

·       Great session – thank you

·       It was a very useful session – THANK YOU

·       I have learnt 2 new games to play and adapt for various abilities


What could we improve in the future / any additional comments:


·       I like the fact that participation was optional

·       Handouts

·       Longer session

·       Longer training time – so much to take in!

·       Even more training for SEN children with greater needs