What we do

Sport Without Boundaries (SWB) is a charity based in West Sussex that helps develop sporting opportunities for children with disabilities. It challenges the perception that a disability presents a limitation. Since its inception in 2000, the objective of Sport Without Boundaries (previously called SADG) has been: “to inspire, motivate and support young disabled people to follow their dreams and aspirations within sport.”

  • Sport Without Boundaries has been hugely successful in attracting over 500 children with disabilities from 17 schools to attend more than 20 competitions every year, with an increasing variety of sports and increasing in scope to include more children. The sports involved range from multi skills, boccia, kurling and tri-golf to swimming, athletics, cricket, tennis and football. In more recent years we have added a cross country competition and table tennis. The competitions were the first “out of school” opportunities that many of these disabled children had experienced, giving them a chance to compete against others in a friendly, relaxed yet fiercely competitive environment!
  • Sport Without Boundaries are helping to facilitate disabled sport within schools and clubs. In the last 12 months, we have spent over 200 hours training teachers and club coaches in order to give them the confidence and ideas to adapt their regular sessions to include disabled children.
  • Sport Without Boundaries helps organise and deliver the Sussex Parallel Youth Games, a highly regarded Olympic-style event for special schools across the county. Over 400 athletes take part in the multi-sports each year which includes an Opening and Closing Ceremony and generous sponsorship from various companies.

The success of Sport Without Boundaries to date has encouraged all involved to want to develop the charity further. “We would like to be able to offer more disabled young people more sporting opportunities and more chances to achieve their individual goals,” explains chairman Sandy Fell, “With your help we can work towards breaking down barriers, challenging the “I can’t” philosophy and promoting better social integration.”